Some time ago, my good friend Sarah collected some historical images documenting 16th-century women wearing crowns, because it often seems like a rare thing. We see queens & female nobility of earlier eras decked in towering regalia, but crowns / coronets / tiaras / diadems & the like almost go out of fashion for the well-heeled woman in the 16th century, despite having some notable women rulers in their own right. About a century later, tiaras come back with a vengeance, & any gal who has a title &/or can afford the bling &/or has pretensions sports diamonds on her head.
Recently, several friends in the SCA (including Sarah!) received court baronies, & this allows them to wear coronets in our funny little game. And I was reminded of our earlier discussions. How would a lady who tends to wear 16th-century garb wear a crown-like item? What did it look like in period?
Here are some examples to add to the previous list.
OK, so there’s a ton of French royal crowns duplicating the same look, but I found that interesting to see how the tradition was practically mandated for a few decades. My personal favorite is what looks like a simple band-style coronet on Mary Queen of Scots in the coin celebrating her (ill-fated) marriage to Lord Darnley. I’ve stared very hard at that image, & I don’t think she’s wearing any sort of hat. It’s just a band, you can see waves of her hair above the band. The band itself has small loops or points sticking up like a very delicate crown. I can imagine that being a pretty, elegant little piece of regalia there. Also quite nice are the dramatic, high, “radiant” crowns of Christina of Lorraine (on the pillow next to her hand) & Frances Howard (I lightened the image to bring out the detail). Super-cool!
These may not be very practical for the SCA for a variety of reasons, but hey, it’s fun to look at.
I should totally update that Flickr pool… I’ve got a ton more images of women wearing crowns. The issue is, as always, copyright. Pretty much all of the images are from ArtSTOR, so it’s not like I can just stick them online…
Yeah, notice how I started with Wikimedia! Kinda skirts around that issue a bit. Are any of the ArtSTOR ones just nice, high-rez version of stuff on Wiki or maybe WGA?