Any gal who enjoys a Pink Drink can join — just use the Decades of Style 1944 house dress pattern and make it in pink camouflage fabric. If you find a pink camo with additional stuff in it (mine is pink camo with black and white skulls — because I’m Special Ops), cool. As long as pink camo is the base print. You can trim it however you like, use whatever buttons appeal to you, modify the neckline, sleeves, and hem. We all made the pockets into martini-glass shapes too. Complete instructions for making the uniform are on Kendra’s LiveJournal.
Whatever you do, you cannot handsew it! Only thing you can sew by hand are the buttons. That’s important. This is supposed to be an EASY outfit, good for drinking and chilling.
Tiara and back-seamed stockings optional. Cosmo mandatory! And once you’re part of the Commandos, you can earn demerit badges too.
For Costume College 2013, Sarah decided that the Pink Drink Party should be a toga party (it was also a fundraiser to help me during breast cancer — hey, more pink!). Guests could still wear their Commando uniforms, but people could wear togas instead if they wished. Well, you know I had to take this as a challenge to combine the two…
The problem is that most of the pink camouflage fabric out there is quilter’s cotton (or worse, flannel), so it’s very stiff & doesn’t have the drape you need for a toga. I suppose you could wash it a billion times, maybe with rocks or something to break it down to a decent drape. But I didn’t have the time or energy for that (see: cancer). So I did a little websearching for knit pink camo. Found one, a great hot pink & black camo on eBay, that I bought but the seller never shipped. At least they did refund me, but then I was out of fabric & time was ticking. Finally found another one, cheap, & they shipped fast. Whew! Ended up buying too much because how was I to know that this would take a mere yard & a half, the stuff was so wide & stretchy.
I cut two rectangles, safety-pinned & binder-clipped the shoulders (to carry thru on a long-standing joke), & saftey-pinned the sides, both for time-savings & a punk-rock look. Then I cut the sides into fringe, don’t know why, just felt like the right thing to do. Wore it with a wide elastic belt with corset detailing, plus black footless tights & a breast-cancer awareness rhinestone tiara bought off Etsy. Also the “F#@K Cancer” earrings that I made & the Pink Drink Commando sash. Had a very 1980s vibe, which suits me to a T.