Finishing touches: Hung some of the sushi beads (plus tiny black bugle beads) from black venice lace to make a choker. Did the same idea on earring hooks, for a matched set.
Two of the sushi erasers already had holes in the bottoms — the perfect size to fit on the ends of chopsticks! I can use them alone as hair sticks or poke them through the bow at the back of the hat, a la hat pins.
For the hat, I gathered up a tube of black tulle and tacked that around the brim of the hat, to give the sushi erasers something to nestle in. Added a black silk flower from the Stash. Glued the erasers down and used a couple more of the large sushi beads too.
So the gown is complete. (And I hear you all breathing a sigh of relief thinking “thank the frickin’ gods, now maybe she’ll shut up about the damn thing!” heh, no such luck, kiddos 😉 See, you must understand, I will have almost nowhere to wear any of these costumes. I just don’t go to that many costumed events, & the ones I do attend don’t necessarily have anything to do with my latest costume obsessions. The sushi victorian is a slight exception, in that I’m making it specifically for an picnic in October. But still, I’ll get to wear it that one day for a few hours, & that’s all.
I’ve resigned myself to not wearing my costumes. I don’t have much choice about it. Yet, I can’t stop myself from creating more of these ridiculous outfits. Thus, I feel compelled to take & post as many pictures as possible of the process & finished project. Pictures online have replaced wearing costumes in public for me. Egotistical? Sure. Narcissistic? You bet. But it’s all I’ve got, so gimmie a break 😉
Another thing — I think I missed my calling in costuming. I’m really enjoying these silly costumes much more than the serious ones. I should have been a costume humorist. I wasted so many years making proper Renaissance court gowns & serious fantasy things when I’d have been better at funny costumes.
Finally, let me crow a little bit about the fact that I have completed the vast majority of the whole costume (only hat, choker, & T’s cravat & pocket square to make) this far in advance! Based on tonight’s meeting w/a contractor, it looks like September will be taken up with remodeling the garage, so it’s a damn good thing I’m done w/the sushi victorian now. The picnic is the 1st wknd of October, & I’ll have no time next month to do any costuming. Whew.