This skirt is hella cool, but it’s kicking my ass. All the hand sewing! My eyes are blurry, my back aches. Last night, it was sewing the pleats to the waistband. Tedious as all heck, especially since I made the pleats probably a smidge too small. The skirt’s pleated edge ended up being exactly the same length as the waistband, but that’s only because I sewed the edge very tightly to the waist. Y’know, I just realized that makes almost no sense in text. Well, you had to be there.
Even with the tight-pleat fiasco, yesterday’s work went faster than tonight’s sewing hooks and snaps at the closure. Of course, I did stop to iron the 5 yards of skirt after I sewed the one seam. Now all I have to do is hem it, and you couldn’t pay me enough to hem it by hand, no way siree bob. I am doing that sucker on the machine, and anyone who doesn’t like it can bugger off. If you’re looking at my hem, you’re no friend of mine.
I might possibly use iron-on hem tape, my secret saviour. I *big puffy heart* that stuff! I use it everywhere and don’t have any problems. The only consideration here is which is more annoying and time-consuming: (1) pinning, folding, ironing, then machine-sewing the hem or (2) pinning, folding, ironing and ironing on the hem tape at the same time? Sounds like the later would be faster…
Have to make another trip to the fabric store (ain’t that the way it always is?). Need purple ribbons for the hat and can get more hem tape too. I can never have enough packets of that stuff in black laying around.
Sometime this weekend, I need to get cracking on the coat’s buttons and trim. Start with the buttons, so if I don’t have time for the trim, it won’t look as bad.