Bodice is mostly complete, though I ran out of hooks and eyes for the stomacher. Would have liked to use hook-and-eye tape, but the overlap wasn’t quite big enough. I’m still worried about gapage, so I decided I’ll trim the edges of the neck all the way down the stomacher sides with ruching. Which is apparently the period way to cover stomacher gaposis (and it’s surprising how many period costumes and movie costumes exhibit some form of side gaps). Sewed the sleeves up, and the ruffles look awfully pretty. Need to attach sleeves to bodice, then I can start on the skirts.
In order to do all this bodice work, I had to wear the 18th-century corset twice. I’m seriously thinking about an 18th-century corset with a zipper up the front, like Jennifer suggested. Sure, front-lacing is moderately more period, but whatevah.
I want to get this costume mostly done before Costume College. There’s only one weekend between CC and the winery event where I’ll debut Cosi Fan Tutte. I want to spend that weekend on accessories and hair (now I’m waffling between the white wig and the black wig; each of which means painting the miniature musical instruments, but in black or white). Plus picnic gear/planning. And unpacking from CC. Etc.