While the rest of the world was out seeing some pirate movie, I was sewing! Well, actually last night I was working on my Costume College classes, but I did spend all today in the literal sweatshop that is my sewing room on a 90+ degree day.
Cosi Fan Tutte polonaise gown, unhemmed and untrimmed, with out the fancy petticoat, but with a bumroll:
Oh and my bitching of yesterday? Turns out that I had cut the whole skirt out upside-down pattern-wise, but I had sewn the front panels in upside-down. This was what got me v. confused earlier and for some time today while I decided what to do. Solution was easy though — rip out the seams and sew it right. The print of the fabric is still upside-down, but you really can’t tell unless you’re super-close or I point it out. So I won’t let either happen 😉