Blast it all — weather report last night said this weekend will be hot! According to, the location for Sunday’s 18th-century event will be 87 degrees. Not terrible, lord knows it could be worse, but it ain’t great for wearing a wig. And what have I been busting my hump to finish the last two nights? My wig. I’ve painted the miniature spinet, violin, and music stand in antique white. I scanned, retouched, and printed a Mozart score to go on the music stand and spinet. I strung pearls, sewed music-note fabric into tubes for bows and into cockades. I wired all the instruments to attach to the wig. The FabriTac is drying today, and I plan to assemble it all tonight. So what if I sweat to death on Sunday? Dammit, I will have music on my head!
The costumes are pretty much done, at least the sewing. Still need to make polonaise poufs, but if I run out of time, I can always just safety pin the skirt up. I made a pretty choker and earrings on Sunday, though I still need a purse. If that doesn’t happen, I can always stash my stuff in the picnic basket.
No spinet, darnit. Despite adding even more strategically placed wires, the spinet insists on tipping back when the wig is on my head. The piece is just too heavy to sit properly, and it’s a bit uncomfortable too. So I took it off. And I decided to add more strings of pearls. Meaning, I have to string some more pearls!