It’s a real costume now — I earned my first wound. Last night, I stabbed a needle under the quick of my right thumb (because I’m incapable of using thimbles). Didn’t bleed *on* the fabric, thank the gods. But blood has officially been shed, so it’s real. Y’know, like Velveteen Rabbit “real.” And, oh the irony, it was in the process of doing a bit of hand-sewing that I then had to rip out entirely. Feh.
Me and that lighted seam ripper are making *such* good friends this go-round.
Also, man, I am *so* damn short! Lordy, you don’t realize how short you are sometimes. I mean, yeah, nice, use less fabric, but it’s a real pain when you’re recreating something and clearly the original was a normal-heighted woman. Folks talk about how tiny everyone was back in ye olden days, but no, everyone was not 5’2″.