Purple stripey fabric, black lace, & trims
I’m not making any promises, but I did start something today. I mocked up a polonaise bodice — based on ye olde Butterick not-very-accurate-but-darnit-it-fits-me bodice I used for Cosi Fan Tutte and the blue caraco. Modified the front for no stomacher (for the caraco, it was a zone, so I now I have another variation). Also modified the caraco sleeve because I wasn’t satisfied with that fit.
And I just finished cutting it all out of the mystery-content dark purple and black wide stripe I bought in Philadelphia’s garment district last year. Need to cut out a lining (bag lining FTW!). Have plenty for a big ol’ skirt, but this fabric is kind of heavyweight, so I might need to make a better skirt support than just my big bumroll. Perhaps a quilted petticoat a la Kendra.
Out of the blue, Mom offered to take me to the Super Jo-Ann in Fremont, and I ain’t passing that up! We have a sh*t-ton of coupons, so damage will be done in the trim aisle, at least. Because everything I make from now on will be loaded with trim, thank you Carnivale 🙂
Later that day: Added some velvet ruched trim to the pile (see picture above). Also procured quilted cotton for a petticoat.
And I realized I’m going to have to make another chemise before the con because wearing 18th-century costumes several days in a row, well, um, that just requires more than one set of undies. Eww. Corset is no big deal, but the shift is right next to your skin.