Here’s a crappy iPhone photo before I left for work…
Late that night…
The jacket and belt are wearable! No pix — it looks like this morning’s photo but with a lot of trim on it and parts that you couldn’t see were unfinished are now finished, plus there are a lot of hooks and bars inside in places. And a big, honkin’ black velvet rose in the middle. Seriously.
Still could use moar trim, specifically around the edges (front to back) of the jacket, but it is technically wearable and doesn’t look shabby right now.
Still need to figure out something for my head. If I have time Friday, I’ll run over to the costume shop; correction, I will call first and see if they have any felt bonnets for cheap. Part of me thinks I could just slap together a little velvet-covered buckram oval, edge it with ruffled lace, and stick whatever black and purple froufy bits I can find in The Stash on it (I know there’s some flowers hiding out somewhere, plus plenty of black feathers). Pin to my head and call it a cap.
Wish I knew what happened to the actual lace do-rag thingy I made for the Eugenie Project. But it went walkabout after CC26, along with all my underwear from the costume. *shakes tiny fist in sky*
To bed now!