My fingertips and my back are keeeeeeeeling me. Hand-sewing all day (you may all laugh now, or check for snowballs in Hades since that means TWO full days of hand-sewing for moi). However, it looks like a dress now…
Front picture shows where I always screw up the very front edges on a curved or pointed waistline. Have to take out the stitches along the top (where the trim is) and tuck it under a little bit more. Happens every single time.
Back photo shows the little train — so it’s genuinely a “French gown” according to late 16th-c. English standards. Also, floofy! Even if it was a PITA to do.<p>
Still not convinced this will be wearable by Friday (sleeves! petticoat! trim!). But I’m pleased with the progress.