All this talk online of the American Duchess shoes got me thinking — I should just get some Fugawees for Leonard! Because he deserves it š Ok, well, I want it, and leather shoes are more correct than silk for a man, even a super-fop like Leonard (though according to his autobiography, he was *quite* the stud, having slept with every actress in Paris and most of the noblewomen in Versailles, including du Barry, LOL).What I was thinking of, during my commute (where I do a lot of random daydreaming for 20 minutes of blessed silence), was to get some white/bone leather Fugawees and have them dyed purple by my local cobbler. Easy, right? Except I got to the computer and found that it’s only the Martha’s that come in bone. There is one other style, the Connie, that comes in a “natural” shade but suede.
Now, I dunno, wouldn’t suede look too rough and not fancy-dancy enough for a fop? Even if it was purple suede? Opinions?
Compared to purple fabric which men really didn’t wear, afaik, it’s probably the better option. And *of course* I will get plenty of use out of another pair of Fugawees, especially in purple. DUH!!!
Oh, and I found a screencap of his shoes from the movie. Leonard’s shoes are more pink, but then, his coat is a pink-salmon-orangey color and his waistcoat is red.
I’m using a powder-blue damask from The Stash for his suit and a lavender dupioni silk for his waistcoat (hopefully with embroidery). So purple shoes will fit, natch.