The Accessory Challenge isn’t dead — sorry for not posting about it for the past, oh, month, but this last round of chemo was kinda brutal & I didn’t feel like sitting upright & staring at the computer for any length of time (tho’ yeah, I did have a day or two where I could sew at the machine, go figure; energy levels & brain power have been seriously weird!). Looks like some of you have stuck with it & been making accessories, huzzah 🙂
Jen Bistrow of Suburban Pagan made a practical “huswife” aka sewing kit so she can carry her sewing tools at reenactment events and get a little work done.
Aphrodite’s Trousseau has started work on a fully beaded Victorian purse. As she says, it may take years, but I bet it will look beautiful!
Quinn at Dressed in Time knitted a darling Regency reticule (along with making a pretty new gown & underthings).
Loren of The Costumer’s Closet made a cool Finn from Adventure Time backpack for her son to hold Halloween treats. Best Mom evar!
And lastly, we have a fan for November’s challenge! Quincy of In the Long Run made a beautiful 18th-century ivory silk fan with spangles.
I still hope to post some fan resources, as soon as I get back some energy & have more time. So keep on booking on those purses & fans! Plus, I’ll announce the next set of challenges asap.
Yip, it’ brutal and unpredictable as well. And why sometimes it’s easier to post once on a blog than email/otherwise communicate individually with people.
I go through a lot of tv/movies when either in relapse or treatment but never actually see anything, just hear it. But for some reason I prefer playing those than I do audio only media.
BTWs finally saw your post on your raspberry courtesan gown 🙂 It is glorious, and you are glorious.
I finished my purse late, but it is finished! Blog post here: