Sneak peek
Now there’s (crappy iPhone photo) evidence that I can make a jacket in a week! It’s finished with time to spare. All I have to do now for Williamsburg is dye my hair and pack.
Now there’s (crappy iPhone photo) evidence that I can make a jacket in a week! It’s finished with time to spare. All I have to do now for Williamsburg is dye my hair and pack.
I did a little bit of sewing today. Made gathered trim for the jacket’s sleeves and attached it to one sleeve. Should be pretty fast to attach it to the next sleeve, then sew the black velvet braid on top on both sleeves. I’m doing all the trimming by machine, which is a first for
Fueled by vast quantities of Kauai coffee, I started on a new jacket for Williamsburg. Yeah, I went there. Made from this purple-shot-with-red dupioni silk in The Stash. First, I dug out the J.P. Ryan jacket pattern I’d fitted last fall in planning for the Lumieres gambling party (but abandoned in favor of the stripey
I have a wild hair (hah!) to play Leonard Autie, hairdresser to Marie Antoinette, at the GBACG’s Petit Trianon event in July. Sarah will be the queen, Kendra will be Poliganc, and a bunch of our friends will be the rest of the court. When casting about for characters, I first thot Rose Bertin, but
Since I was stuck home taking care of the sick boy cat Toulouse, I figured I might as well get some crap done around the house (other than just wallow in misery about not getting to go to 12th nite). Then I decided to sew. Tulls was spending the weekend sitting pathetically on the window
Despite the insulation, my sewing room is 5-10 degrees hotter than the rest of the house, thanks to a corner bank of windows facing whatever direction the sun is most of the day. I need blackout curtains there, although that would make the cats sad (the window seat under said windows is their faaaaaavorite place
I’m set for the next Lumieres event! I finished the faro board and, most importantly, my dress and wig. As usual, my latest 18th-century outfit is far more fantasy than history. The *shape* is accurate and the materials are (for me, surprisingly) accurate. But the trim and color combo is all me, my crazy preference.
[Insert interlude where Cynthia came over and convinced me I could squeeze a bodice and skirt out of my mere 3 yards of pink/white stripey fabric. She helped me fit the bodice pattern and piece one sleeve, literally a handful of scraps were left.] During the week, I did go sew on the sleeves of
Hate it when that happens. First, I bought something from Jilli’s sale (DANGEROUS) — a fascinator with a glittery pink ship in sail, topped by black and white stripey sails (I think made by Noxenlux, or some other fabulous gothic milliner). I fully intended to put this in an 18th-century wig. But I just realized
This was a random little project done in about two weeks. I was asked by Duquesa Juana Isabella de Montoya y Ramirez if I could contribute to the gift basket given by the King and Queen of the West at the SCA’s West-An Tir War over July 4th Weekend 2010. Knowing my predilection for purses,
Photos of me wearing the jacket at the Lumieres Summer Pique-nique 2010.
Three-fourths of a jacket done. It’ll be a bit plain. No time nor stuff in The Stash for trimmings. Still not sure if I’ll finish it up — I could easily do it tomorrow, but I have many other boring house things I need to finish first. Still, very pleased that the thing went together
I’ve been debating about the structure of the bodice for La Junesse. Basically, whether to put it over a corset or not. The inspiration gown is prob. 1580s-90s and so is my SCA persona. Now, I have a feeling I will veer away significantly from that picture — my gown will be pink, it will
The J.P. Ryan 18th-century jacket pattern is seriously made of WIN. I idly did a mockup this evening, on a whim. The size fit true, went together easily (didn’t even need to consult the instructions), & *drum roll please* it fits! DOOOD. So I cut it out of the fashion fabric. No idea if I’ll
I made a muslin tonight. It might be the bodice of La Junesse. I have appropriate fabric and lining even (the muslin will *be* the lining, if it fits) in The Stash. I may even have trim in The Stash. No ruffs necessary, although I probably have material for that too. But no rush. Just