Whose bright idea was this again?
Two hours to bead five rows on this one sleeve. 20 rows total on this one sleeve (and I started at the wrist, so I’ve only done the short rows; haven’t gotten to the widest rows yet). Two sleeves total. I don’t do math, but let’s just calculate that at 18 gazillion hours to finish
and tho the holes were rather small, they had to count them all
I’m having a rather “what would Kendra do?” time with this costume as I realize I really have to just suck it up and do a boatload of hand-sewing. Especially on these sleeves. There are just so many bits that are too fiddly for the machine, either they plain won’t fit because they’re too thick
Houston, we have a farthingale
I did it! I finished my farthingale, despite having a nasty chest cold (*hack cough sputter*). It’s black and pink to match my black and pink renaissance corset. Screw accuracy, I want pretty undies 🙂 Now I need a good lie-down. Whew.
Knollys, Knollys, Knollys, get yr big sleeves here
This time, I sewed up the side seam and sliced a big ol’ chunk out of the front (after drawing various lines to see what worked, of course). I like it. I think it’s a fair resemblance to the actual Knollys sleeve. Y’know, if you get past the wimpy muslin ;-). I transferred the muslin
Stymied for want of cutters
I’m thinking I can get one more thing done before the end of NaCoFiMo, but I need a bigger pair of wire cutters. Did more work on my farthingale, to the point of putting the wire cord in, but couldn’t snip it because my snippers are too weak for the big ol’ honkin’ wire I
First pass
Didn’t look too bad, but I had one wee mishap at 12th Night. After about two hours, a couple of the crappy little ribbons I’d sewn in to tie on the sleeves tore off on one side. The actual ribbon tore, not the stitching. Well, it was temporary anyway. I should also remember not to
SCA West Kingdom 12th Night 2007
Upon first blush, I think Society for Creative Anachronism events are a lot like science-fiction conventions. There are some scheduled things going on, and there’s a dealer’s room. But most of the fun is off in the fringes, what you bring on your own. It’s not like a renaissance faire where the event itself is
12th Night – a go
Tried on the bodice with the Dickens skirt — works quite well! The one thing I was worried about (that the bodice is a little higher waisted) was no big deal. Though in the front, the skirting wrinkles a wee bit near the top third. Seems the cartridge-pleating is too bulky for the skirting, should
A little burnt, but toasty
Took me about an hour to sew hooks (not eyes) on the sleeve holes (also put one last hook and eye on the bottom of the bodice edge, plus stitched down some sloppy skirting*). Then I tried it on so I could confirm sleeve placement and found that the hooks cut into my shoulders. Doh!
Whip it good
I’ve been hand-sewing since about 10am, with a couple breaks for breakfast, loads of coffee, and some chocolate. Not only do I still hate hand-sewing, but I’m beyond BORED of hand-sewing. It’s like watching paint dry. No, it’s like *making* paint dry. Omg, it is so BOOOOOOOORRRRRIIIIIINNNNNNG. I can’t believe how boring this much hand-sewing
Dr. StrangePattern or How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the Fitting
Lesson Learned Yesterday: Make muslins out of fabrics more similar to the final weight of the garment fabric. Lesson Learned Today: Don’t cut fabric before you’ve had your morning coffee. It seems that a lot of the problem was that, while the previous muslin and pattern fit beautifully, a big reason that didn’t translate was
A day of ups & downs
Sewing before noon, who’da thunk it? Doesn’t look like much yet, but I’m getting there. Interlined with black twill and the cotton lining is also sewn. I’ll bag-line it (one thing I am good at). The thing is at the point where I really need to try it on, but the house is too cold
panic! at the sewing room
My idea for recreating the Lettice Knollys sleeves isn’t panning out, and I’m thinking of ditching that concept for now in favor of something quicker that uses less fabric. I can futz with the Knollys sleeve later. I *need* to have a wearable Elizabethan gown by January 6th, no lie. Doesn’t have to be fancy,
Bit by bit
I boned and bound the corset, gotta go pound grommets. If I’m very, very lucky, I might get to the farthingale tonight. Though I might risk it, skip that, and go straight to the sleeves, since I still need to tweak that pattern. Really, I can wing the skirts without the farthingale, even though it’s