Cosi Fan Tutti Ensembles
Photos from Let Them Drink Wine, an 18th-century picnic and wine tasting event in Sonoma, CA, by the Greater Bay Area Costumer’s Guild.
Photos from Let Them Drink Wine, an 18th-century picnic and wine tasting event in Sonoma, CA, by the Greater Bay Area Costumer’s Guild.
Blast it all — weather report last night said this weekend will be hot! According to, the location for Sunday’s 18th-century event will be 87 degrees. Not terrible, lord knows it could be worse, but it ain’t great for wearing a wig. And what have I been busting my hump to finish the last
Despite a record-breaking 102 degree heat yesterday, I finished the dress. All trimmed up with super-cutesy ruffles, also hemmed. Used the ruffler foot (always tricky, but when it works, it’s freakin’ awesome) to make the trim. Oh, and the strip of white cotton I used for this trim? It was excess cut off from the
I’m stuck on the pleating. Can’t figure out a simple equation for determining how much fabric should be in the pleat and how much between each pleat. My petticoat is 184″ around the hem. It will have a pleated flounce at the bottom. I sewed together all the strips for the flounce, and it measures
While the rest of the world was out seeing some pirate movie, I was sewing! Well, actually last night I was working on my Costume College classes, but I did spend all today in the literal sweatshop that is my sewing room on a 90+ degree day. Cosi Fan Tutte polonaise gown, unhemmed and untrimmed,
Bee boo bee boo boo bee boo bee bee boo … boop. Today in God, we discuss why Trystan should not be allowed to sew after 9pm on a weeknight. And then we praise Allah. Ehem. I’m no Stephen Colbert nor a weak Rob Corddry, so let’s not even pretend. Point is, I’m fucking up
I’ve been trying, really I have, but I will never match the sewing productivity of Sarah or Katherine, the later of whom even makes progress whilst on vacation in Europe. But I finally put the sleeves into the bodice and sewed the rest of the hooks (once I bought more) into the stomacher sides. That
That’s how it felt all weekend. HOT. 90s for four days in a row. My sewing room was literally a sweatshop Saturday and Sunday. But dammit, I got some things done! Bodice is mostly complete, though I ran out of hooks and eyes for the stomacher. Would have liked to use hook-and-eye tape, but the
Petticoat is done! All that pleating nearly broke my brain, and it ain’t perfectly even ‘n stuff, but it’s done. And it looks awfully cute, so I’m glad I did it. Also glad that I made the petticoat extra full because it gives a really pretty silhouette. Add the polonaise and it’ll be all poufy
I guess the next thing I can start on is the underskirt. I have the underpinnings, and it doesn’t require the bodice to be finished. Maybe, just maybe, if I’m very focused this week, I could cut that out. I find it terribly difficult to sew on weeknights, just don’t have the energy and inclination
Gah. Making underwear is one of the most boring things ever. It’s simple, but tedious. Guess I need to hit the thrift Saturday for some cheap white sheets. If I can’t find any/enough, I do have a coupon for Hancocks. Budget Costuming Tip #20: Joann and Hancock might not be good for many things, but
Should I wear a spinet on my head? I already bought a violin. Would two instruments be too much or just right? I can’t decide, and the price of the spinet is enough to make me quibble. See, for Cosi Fan Tutte, I decided I would wear the Big White Wig. And since I won’t
Right before I left for Europe, I was all a twitter over 18th-century costumes. This was inspired by a GBACG event in June 2006 at a Sonoma winery. I had finally settled on a caraco jacket made out of a black linen embroidered with blue vines, found on eBay (the seller offered 4 yards literally
Currently, all I have of my 18th-century costume is a plain white cotton shift which I whipped up yesterday in a rare non-headachy moment. Wow, I actually sewed something, ain’t that a hoot? That barely counts, although bias tape was involved which made it slightly less than moronically simple. Or does it? Hmm. I’m still