| Winter Tree Decorations  Ornaments old and new, along with purple lights, silver snowflake garlands, and white crocheted snowflakes. Anything you can hang from a tree branch can be a decoration, and any type of decoration can be made gothic. Here's a few tips for decorating a gothic winter tree: - Dark ornaments on a dark gree tree don't show up very well. So include some sparkle and light colors for contrast. Glitter and metallics will dress up any tree.
- Stock up on Halloween decorations like tiny bats, ravens, black cats, and skeletons. Anything small and relatively light can be tied to a ribbon and hung on a tree branch.
- Big bows of dark wired ribbon are lovely ornaments in themselves. Jewel-tone and metallic ribbons are often on sale around Christmas, and Halloween-themed wired ribbons can be found in October.
- Paint on plain silver, gold, or jewel-tone glass ornaments. Make designs with glitter glue.
- Try tree lights in all-one color. All white looks classy and goes with any decor or style. But all-purple or all-red or all-blue lights on a tree makes a unique statement.
- Consider novelty lights. At Halloween time, you can find skeleton, skull, bat, and tombstone shaped lights at discount and party stores. Stock up -- many novelty lights only have 12 per strand, which isn't enough for a bigger tree.
- Tree garlands don't have to be tinsel. String beautiful old beads or buttons. Use broken jewelry strands. Try a garland of feather boas or drape narrow scarves around the tree.
- Many stores sell decadently dark ornaments. Jewel-tones are particularly popular among decorators, so you'll find them at many shops.